Are You Training for Mt Shasta?

We’re at spring’s doorstep. Now is the perfect time to start training for summer mountain goals.

If climbing Mount Shasta in 2022 is one of those goals training now can increase safety, fun, and success. Being in great shape improves every aspect of climbing. It inspires confidence in teammates and guides. Mountaineers who train now will be rewarded when they get to the mountain.

There are many variables at play on a long climb. Weather, altitude, teamwork, and equipment can all present challenges. Some are beyond our control and all are easier to deal with for the well trained. There are very few things that a climber can control other than the body and mindset they show up with. Being fit raises the fun factor. It can also provide you with the capacity to deal with challenging situations.

Casaval Personal Training and Shasta Mountain Guides recently collaborated to develop a 16 week training plan. It's suitable for climbers with plans to embark on a multi-day climb of Mount Shasta and similar peaks.

A regimented training program will not only increase your chance of achieving your goals, but you’ll have a much more enjoyable time while doing it.
— Chris Carr, Director of SMG

The best training plans for any sport are designed so an athlete can meet and exceed the demands of that sport. Mountaineering is no different. It's a sport requiring technical skills and the use of specialized equipment. Prolonged efforts of uphill and downhill travel on foot are the norm. Aerobic capacity, strength, muscular endurance, and sport specific movement are heavily relied upon. 

The 16 Week Mt Shasta Training Plan works because it addresses the demands of mountaineering from the perspective of Mount Shasta’s most experienced guide service.

Casaval PT and SMG invite you to download the 16 Week Mount Shasta Training Plan. This is a good option for motivated climbers who have a background in training. Click or tap the button below.

Working with a coach / guide to prepare for Mt Shasta is an option as well. Casaval Personal Training was founded to train and support climbers heading to Shasta. You can have this or similar plans individualized and delivered on TrainingPeaks. Working remotely with a coach is the most fun and effective way to train for Shasta.

No shortcuts to the top! The biggest obstacle of the climb is in our control. Train now for summit success!
— Chris Carr, Shasta Mountain Guides


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