A Simple Strength Assessment

Online training has many benefits over in-person training. It's an affordable way to get the guidance, direction, and support needed to excell in training. In the last several months of training athletes online I've only noticed 1 drawback.

Not being right there with my athletes when they're working out leaves no chance to correct bad form. Poor exercise form is usually due to a deficiency in strength or mobility. This can lead to impingements and injuries that prevent an athlete's program from progressing.

One such strength deficiency is internal collapsing of the knee during leg exercises. This is a "stop and fix" situation in the training world. If the knees cave inward or "A frame" during squats, step ups, or heel touches ACL health is at risk. It's not the end of the world and the right program can correct it but an athlete may never know without assessment.

Another damaging deficiency is weakness in the core. Inability to hold a plank for at least a short time is a sign of a weak core. Core strength supports back, hip, and shoulder health. Without it an athlete risks injury to their back and shoulders.

Here's a very simple strength assessment that's intended to catch strength deficiencies early. The assessment involves 5 exercises. The squat, the step up, heel touches, push ups, and the pull up. Athletes need strong form in these exercises even if it requires modification.

Thanks for taking the time for this. Reach out if I can help you or if you'd like to schedule a free private video assessment. If you’re ready to train head over and sign up for private coaching or take a look at all of the training programs.


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